We decided about midweek that we would plan a little vacation for the 4 of us...mainly fun stuff for the kids. Gregg got online and found out that the circus was in OKC so 4 tickets was the order, he got us a hotel room and I mentioned White Water...so away we went!!!
Our first stop...Texas Roadhouse of course!!!
And yes we looked like big ole nerds having the waitress take our picture.....she offered!!!
Always such the Daddy's girl!!!And such the Momma's boy!!!Next on our list of fun stuff to do was the CIRCUS!!!!Before the circus actually started they had a meet and greet kind of thing. We got to go down and get close and personal with the clowns and performers!!! Colt and I went down to check it out, homebodies Gregg and Riley stayed and watched from above!! I don't remember what he just saw that made him sooooo excited!!!!
Or maybe he was faking it for the camera??!!And then the show began!!
I think the elephants were our favorite, they put on quite the show!!The clowns were pretty cute too.I mean who doesn't love elephants and dogs in the same show??!!After the circus was over we headed down to the canal for a boat ride. On the way we stumbled on this fun little waterpad. Probably the kids favorite part of the night. It was super hot out and this made for a good cool down. On we went....Walking the canal and chasing the ducks. Well Colt chased the ducks, the ducks of course chased Riley and she cried!!!Waiting to get on the boat.We finally made it. Colt loved it!!! He waved to the people and sang songs for everyone. Riley had fun but was not as excited, she was feeling a bit tired and hot. After a good nights rest we got up, had us a big breakfast and headed out to White Water. The kids had a blast!! Riley rode a few big slides as long as we could ride with her, although I think she would have really loved them all if she would have just tried them. Colt was ready for all of them, unfortunately his little bottom wouldn't stay in the tubes. All together we had a WONDERFUL weekend!!! Can't wait to do something fun with just the 4 of us again!!! I sure love my little family and feel soooo blessed!!!