Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cool Tricks Cool Tricks

So I'm sure most of you are put through the torture of watching Yo Gabba Gabba. Riley has really been into the "Cool Tricks Cool Tricks" portion of the show. She's always coming up to me and telling me to watch her "new trick" or her "new cool trick". Here's one that I thought was pretty cool for a 4 year old!! I think she actually saw this one on Yo Gabba Gabba.
Oh the things you learn from TV.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Saria Wynelle!!

Today is the birthday of one special little girl that taught me hope, faith, strength and so many other things!! Today 9 years ago (Wow can't believe that) Tara and Jeff brought this little angel into our lives, and even though she was only with us here on earth for a short time she was a precious gift!! I'm thinking and praying for Tara, Jeff, Sage and the entire crew!! Love you all!!!
Proud Daddy
Wow look how little Sagey is......9 years later she's in high school!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Let's go to the movies, let's go see the stars!!!

We did something pretty daring last night........we took Bub to his first movie!!! He did GREAT!! I couldn't believe that my little busy body sit through the entire movie plus the previews. He did want out of seat for just a little bit but he stood right infront of me and his eyes never left the screen, except to get a handful or two of popcorn!! We went to Toy Story 3, it was so good!!
Nana got the kids Toy Story 1 and 2 for Valentine's Day, I think, so they've been huge fans since then. We got each of them a Toy Story doll while we were in Branson (Jessie and Buzz) and they haven't put them down since. They enjoyed it soooo much!!
No time for pictures Mom, I'm eatting popcorn!!!!
In the car on the way home Colt was really hamming it up for the camera. How precious is he, my little brown eyed boy!!!
Yes that's right he's not in his car seat.....I'm a horrible mother!!
He was sticking his head out the window and sniffing,
then saying shuwee!!
Ri of course had to get in on the cheesiness.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow it's amazing how the older you get the less important birthdays are to you. But when you have an awesome husband and amazing kids celebrating with them is not too bad!! I really did have a great birthday. The girls at work fixed me lunch and when I got home Gregg and Ri had made me a cake!! While I was getting her ready to head off to the babysitter's she wanted to know how many candles to put on the cake, I had to explain that if she put that many on there we would all be in trouble!! Gregg must of talked her into just the numbers, thank goodness! I got some really great gifts and let me just say that my husband knows me better than I realize. This year for my birthday I got new running shoes and money for a new Ipod!!! Oh yeah, it's like new jewelry!!! The girls at work sent me some beautiful flowers, don't know why but receiving flowers at work will ALWAYS brighten your day!!! My parents and inlaws and Gigi sent money and think I'll use it for an extra super Ipod, I got a stepping stone for my yard but it's sooo pretty I don't want to put it out there!!! Thanks to everyone that called and wished my Happy Day. Another year down!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Yes I've been slacking on my blog duties lately, but it's not cause I don't have anything to blog about. Actually the opposite is true. We've had SOOOO MUCH going on that I just can't keep them all blogged about. The zoo, broken arm, dr. appointments, vacations, mud bud, vacation bible school, memorial day; I mean seriously could we have more going on??? Yes I'm sure we could. Anyway just going to throw a few of my favs from each of the occasions to get you caught up!!

Memorial Weekend!! Love it at Pop Pop and Nana's 24/7 swimming!!

Until you fall of the monkey bars :(
Softball College World Series and Zoo weekend.

Colt's smile for the camera face :)

Love our cousins!!!
Riley did get to make it to most of VBS this year in between doctor appts.

Here she is at the VBS celebration with a couple of her friends.
Woodward's first Mud Bud. Didn't get to run/ride this year but next year I'll be primed and ready!!!

Mandy and Mandy!! Gold winners in their division
Gregg and I took a vacation to Branson. We had sooo much fun and if you ever need a romantic hideaway let me give you the info on the Anchor Inn on the Lake B&B!!!! Awesome place on Table Rock!!!
Well there you have our summer in a nutshell.....so far!! Still have some summer left so we hope to fill it up and I'll try to stay on the blogging a little better. Riley went back to the doctor today and everything is healing good. The bone is forming back and she'll have to keep the brace on for 2 more weeks. Hopefully our summer will start to feel normal after that with a few visits to the waterpark!!! Hope everyone is having a good one!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


That's right we've made it 5 years!!! Just over 7 years ago I thought I would NEVER get married then one night, with a little help from Ryan Garvie, I met the man that would eventually be my husband!!!
Here we are probably May of 2003, just about 6 months into dating.
And a year later.....and a move to Garden City later!!!
And another year later.....and a move to Woodward and FINALLY an engagement ring!!!! This was the weekend we got engaged, Dad and Mom took us all to 6 Flags for a celebration!!!
Finally we get married!!!! It was a beautiful day!! I couldn't have asked for much more...Thanks Mom and Dad!!!
On our honeymoon at Disneyland!!
Our first football picture taken as an engaged couple.
And our most recent football picture......
and Ryan Garvie made us sit by each other!!