Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Not to be confused with the "Stanky Leg". hahahaha!! I'm sure most of you have heard me talk about Colt's UNUSUAL smile for the camera face aka "Stank Eye". I just wanted to document this very funny/cute smile for the future.
Here is an example.....slightly or very daramatic right squinted eye, teeth never showing, and a slight leaning forward. I'm not exagerrating this people, this is EVERYTIME you ask him to smile for the camera. Family pictures should look REAL good/funny/cute this year!!!

I love you and your "Stanky Eye" very much Bubs!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's rodoe time!!! YEEEE HAW!!!

Yes it's rodeo time again in Woodward and we are taking full advantage!! Wednesday Riley, Gregg and I hit the streets to watch the steer drive then Thursday night we headed out to the arena to catch some rodeo fever!!
Riley has for sure caught the fever!! She got these new boots as a surprise from Billie and Blayre and she automatically turned cowgirl on us!! She had to wear makeup, wear this "rodeo necklace" she didn't even cry when I had to blow dry her hair!! She was lovin it and I'll be a little nervous when she's older and getting ready for the rodeo!!! Oh the good ole days......right girls???
We weren't the only ones with the fever.
Not sure if this is a smile or a get that camera out of my face look??!!
Either way it's pretty darn cute!!!Always a fan favorite...the clown. Colt was feeling a little left out cause he didn't have a cowboy hat so he took mine.....
right off my head!!!
Riley loved the broncs and the bulls and was really excited when I told her Uncle Scott use to ride broncs. She thought that was way cool.

Colt was just lovin it all, until about 10:00 and then he was ready to leave......NOW!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Colt is 2!!!!

Can't believe my baby boy is 2 already!!! Just seems like yesterday I was pregnant!! Bubs is growing up way too fast!!! He makes me laughing and want to rip my hair out all in the same minute!!! He keeps us on our toes all the time, so different from his sister it's crazy! I can't imagine our live without this little terd. We love you very much Bub!!! Can't wait to see you grow.

I've said many times how much Colt reminds of my Dad, look for yourself!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Funny Friday!!

Cleaning out my car after a long trip back from the cabin I find my camera in the backseat. Once I get a chance to go through all my pics from the weekend. This is what I find.......many faces of Riley!!! I think she got a little bored in the car.

And not to be out done by this funny little guy. The squint eye, funny grin and lean forward camera smile.