Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Birthday Party!

I think Riley is singing Happy Birthday to herself here. haha!!
Getting ready to rip into the gifts. Thanks to everyone, Riley really loved all her presents!!
Having some lunch.
I don't know mom should I cry or smile??!!
Nater after some lunch. His mom would just die if she saw what a mess we let you become.
Cash taken a spin.

The kids love the trampoline. I'm pretty sure they spent most of their time out there.

Aunt Stephanie getting in on the fun of the trampoline.

Aunt Leia had to give it a whirl too.

Love this cute picture.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


You wouldn't think that buying for a kid would be that hard and I guess really it isn't if you consider them playing with a toy like crazy for a week is good. But I was tired of that and really tired of the toys piling up in the house, I swear the walls are caving in on me!!! Anyway I thought and thought about what Gregg and I could give Riley for her 3rd birthday and with the help of Aunt Lolo I think we've got a true keeper!!! A SCOOTER!!! She loves it. Every night we have to go for a walk so that she can ride her scooter, she rides it around the driveway, she wants to ride it everywhere and I'm missing all my favorite season finales cause I'm outside watching her ride. The small price of being a mother I guess. I wish you could hear her say scooter cause it is pretty funny. Anyway here are some pics of her enjoying her new scooter.
And Bubber my little lover loves to be outside and watch her go round and round.
She wanted to make a scary face and see it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Finally Something Blog Worthy!!!

We had quite the big weekend. First Riley and I got our hair cut and her new do is soooo freaking cute!!! She was such a big girl, I was so proud of her.
Her reward!!!
Then Saturday night we went to the Carnival. Somebody please remind me NEVER to go on a Satruday night. Cash was in town so we got to meet up with him and you would have thought it had been years since they have seen one another. They ran to each other and met with a hug!!! It was pretty darn cute. Now I was a little nervous about the carnival this year, if you recall last year was a DISASTER!!! Kicking and screaming was all we did. But not this year!!!!!! She rode EVERY ride 3 times I think. I was sooooo happy!!! The only ride she didn't ride was the dragon roller coaster and I think that was because the line was too long and she was not waiting in line. Now Cash on the other hand took on the role of kicking and screaming. Yes that's right the daredevil himself was not havin it!! He loved walking hand in hand with Riley as she went to the next ride and he would watch her with glee, but he was not riding.
Colt was such a big boy too. He just sat and watched, oh and devoured a HUGE CORN DOG!!
Cash loves to tell Colt all about it.
Oh what an exhausting weekend!!

We got up extra early this morning and went for donuts. When we got to Jo's she had balloons and a sign out in the front yard, Riley was soooo excited!!! And I feel so blessed knowing that they spend their days with someone who really loves them. Jo spoils Riley and Colt so much, they really love her!!! Jo got cupcakes and ice cream for them to have with lunch today and she'll get to blow out her candles. We are having a family party for Ri this weekend, so more birthday pics to come.

Friday, May 15, 2009


But nothing real exciting is going on. So I'm posting about an outside renovation and I'm sure you all will be soooo impressed.......oh well I am anyway. As always I forgot a before picture

so the afters are all you see. And I still have some work to do like painting the bench (that was my Great Grandma's) and getting some flowers planted and praying that I can keep them alive!!! So here you go our "new front porch"!!!!

Let me explain the before if I can. There were 3 more of those red bushes going all the way around and 2 huge square green bushes where the chairs now are. You just felt very closed in and trapped. I'm really liking the makeover and will like it more when I get some flowers planted.

Next project includes covering that hidious post!!! And I think I'm going to call around about new windows. Anybody had any window work done lately???

Next week I promise to have better pics. We are headed to the carnival tonight and Riley turns 3 on Monday so depending on the weather we might do something special for her this weekend or we might have to wait till next weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, try not to get too soggy!!!